KRAWAL 2021 BO! PCT pogoj tud, jbg!!!

Vesolje je poskrbelo, da 28. festival Krawal bo. Ansambli obetajo obilo punka vseh barv in tekstur ter nekaj metala, post rocka, hardcora, crusta, grinda in podobne galame, ki nam bo tresla pljuča in utekočinjala možgane; pri slednjem si boste lahko pomagali tudi s šilcem rujnega. Prizorišče bo pokrito s šotorom, tako da morebitnih vremenskih ujm ne bomo opazili. Prostora za kampiranje bo na pretek. V krawalovi kuhinji bo kraljeval Chef Muflon, ki bo naša prebavila zaposloval z imenitnimi dobrotami za vsejedce in izbirčneže, za prave gurmane pa bo na voljo neomejena količina prane. Za ropot bo torej poskrbljeno, za naše osnovne fiziološke potrebe takisto, zatorej si zacahnajte datum na vaše setvene koledarje, predzadnji vikend v avgustu gremo v cvet.
ENG: The universe has spoken: the 28th edition of Krawal will take place this year indeed, and the bands are supplying loads of punk of every colour and texture. You’ll be able to groove to some metal as well as some post rock, hardcore, crust, grind, and to other sorts of racket that will shake your innards and liquefy your brain – stiff drinks will be provided to achieve the latter quicker. Weather will not be a problem as the concert area is under a tent, and there is plenty of space for camping if you choose to have the full experience. Our kitchen will be governed by the one and only Chef Muflon, whose iron fist will cater for omnivores and picky eaters. There will also be enough prana to go around for the really fussy. Ruckus – check!, food and drinks – check!, so check your calendars and plan accordingly; fourth weekend in August we are making bad decisions and listening to good music! Letošnji

Petek 20.08.2021
Sobota 21.08.2021
Vrstni red bendov znotraj dneva še ni dokončen. Organizator si pridržuje vse pravice, tud zjebat kej.
KD ROV Jesenovec, SI- 4228 Železniki, Slovenija
Krawal so že podprli: Občina Železniki Alclyp-er d.o.o. Algama d.o.o. Triis d.o.o. Borut Pikuš Gozdarstvo Grega Kordež s.p. Boštjan Bernik s.p. ( ) Anton Šmid s.p. Lenti Pub Brunarica DražgošeJZ Ratitovec Tiskarna Kameleon d.o.o. Gregor Galjot s.p. ( ) Danilo Gorenc s.p.
Težka in hrupna hvala vsem!