Na sončni jasi na Jesenovcu v okolici temačnih Železnikov se nam zopet obeta Krawal, festival težke in hrupne glasbe, ki letos poteka že štiriindvajsetič. Letošnji nastopajoči nam obljubljajo dva dni krasnega hardcora, crusta, metala, punk rocka.

Prizorišče festivala bo pokrito s šotorom, torej nam morebitne vremenske neprilike hribovskega podnebja nikakor ne bodo prišle do živega. Tudi lačni ne bomo, saj bo krawalova kuhinja poskrbela tako za rastlinojedce kot tudi za vsejede ljudi. Šank bo dobro založen, še posebej pa velja omeniti odlične domače limonce.
Krawal traja dva dni, zato bo na travniku v neposredni bližini urejen prostor za kampiranje. Dobro došli vsi, organizatorji vas prosimo da svoje težave in frustacije pustite doma in se prepustite prijetnemu hrupu. KD ROV in PRIJATELJI
PETEK, 21.7.:
Zabojnik (hardcore) (Postojna)
Srd (black metal) (Lj/Ms)
Cyka blyat (crust) (Železniki)
Skinpin (punk rock) (Avstralija)
HeadUp (groove HC metal) (Wroclaw, Poland)
Barufa (crust) (Železniki)
SOBOTA, 22.7.:
Fršlus ( punk band ) (Idrija)
Articulation of antipathy (death metal) (Železniki)
Pigs Parlament (ska punk HC) (Goriška Brda)
Black Reaper (thrash metal) (Nova Gorica)
Zrada (Ukrajina)
HakAttak (punk) (Idrija)

On the sunny meadow in Jesenovec, in the vicinity of the dark Železniki, Krawal, a festival of heavy and noisy music, is coming to us again.It has been going on for twenty four years IN A ROW now ! This year the organizers promise you two days of great hardcore, crust, metal, punk rock…The venue of the festival will be covered with a tent, which means that any weather conditions of the mountain climate will in no way bother us (hopefully !?). The Krawal kitchen is going to be as usual, old school hand chopped and cooked in the kettle, watch out for the mushroom stew !!! The bar will be well stocked, try out the always superb “limonce”, but have in mind, we take no responsibility for lost legs, heads, girlfriends… The festival lasts for two days, there is enough place for putting up a tent or just crash in a sleeping bag, for free!
We welcome everybody but will not tolerate any shit from anyone whatsoever !!! KD ROV and FRENDS